In what can only be described as another appalling and typical story, new details are emerging that the Obamas have enrolled a Kenyan nephew in innocent Barrons school to shadow him, but that is not the disturbing part.
According to our source, Dr. S.M. Allcock, Director of Creation Sciences at the St. Mayo Boys School of White Haven, the youngest Trump had been a stellar student until recent events have derailed his studies. The antagonist being none other than a new student, Jumanji “Bob” Obama.
As Dr. S.M. Allcock explains it, poor Barron became immediately distressed by this new classmate whose English skills are more akin to the snooty old Queens than to any true Americans, this tone proving to be quite a distraction at the school:
“The Obama child has been insistent on wearing Nike to school, despite the ban on unAmerican displays. Liddle JuJu also wears a Mussalamic talisman in the shape of a cross, fooling no one. White Haven is a Christain school and his refusal to assimilate prevents our students from focusing on anything other than his differences. We have had to put Barron on Adderall, which President Trump is grateful for, to help him pay attention to his work because of this.”
On more than one occasion, “Bob” has referred to Barron as “Chum” which has a double-meaning here in the States, this high-and-mighty behavior pushed the young Trump heir to call for the Obaminations deportation from the school, where he certainly isn’t deserving to attend. It is said at school, and everyone agrees, that Master Barron has the same fire as his father and will not stand to be spoken to like a commoner.
The Obama nephew is also under suspicion of faking his birth certificate. At 6 foot 2, there is no way Jumanji Bob Obama is also 13, like Barron who is very tall for his age. President Trump towers over Obummer by 3 inches, but those aren’t Melania’s favorite three inches. Or Stormy’s. Without money. We may never know who forged his signature on that check. There is simply no explanation for this nephew’s presence other than he must be a plant to usurp Barron’s studies.
Now, if that doesn’t sound familiar? Just like his Uncle “Barry”. Hopefully, we can get this troublemaker expelled permanently and Oblame-o can’t bribe the school to let Bob return. We’ll be following this story closer than Hillary’s emails this school year.
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